Sunday, August 22, 2010

Gallery showing!

Sugar Ninjas Spicy (Vol. 2)
There was a gallery showing at HOWL in Fort Meyers, FL, that featured some of my work (Randy Dandy, the Punk House, Mershu, the Anthros pictures)! The showing is still going on and features all female artists from the Sugar Ninjas anthology, so if you want to look at art while you buy toys or get a tattoo, apparently this is the place to go. And really, it's art, toys and tattoos. What more reason do you need to check this out?
Sugar Ninjas Sweet (Vol. 2)

These artists are all in the Sugar Ninjas anthologies -and the newest Sugar Ninja volumes are out now. I'm in the sweet AND the spicy versions (I was misprinted in the Spicy one, so I decided to wait for the fix before announcing it :D ) They're available through, sold at cost, so they're only like $10 each! If you get them both... free shipping (only through the summer, though)! So buy them! Or at the very least get the IBN number, go to your library and request it.

Check out the Sugarninja's Website
Buy The Spicy Book (18+) for only $10 something
Buy The Sweet Book  for only $11 something

Yay! I kinda feel like a real artist now!