Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween HOOOOOO~~~

Don't know about everyone else, but my Halloween weekend was fantastic. If only because I humped every single piece of furniture in two separate houses.

Why? Because I was Hard Gay.

The best part of my (not totally accurate) costume was I had everything already at my house, making this year two of "Kamryn has a huge crotch bulge"

Did you think I was lying?

As more and more people post pictures of me humping, hooing and putting things in my mouth (Hard Gay only really does 2 of those things, but like I said, not 100% accurate) I've realized that I will never be president. Or I will be the BEST president. You decide.

This will be my campaign poster. If Dr. Strange endorses me how can I be wrong?

Saturday, September 10, 2011


This is a pic of me that I used in a panel for Monday's comic. It's a standard facial expression of mine, and when I say standard, I mean awesome, and in drawing it I was faced with the "draw more lines and make me look heavier/older, or draw less lines and lose the parts of the face." I ended up going with more lines, because I'm not pretty all the time, and neither is my cartoon counterpart (that's a lie, actually, but I want you all to feel better :) ) But it got me thinking: In comics we always draw people "pretty". Even characters like Wolverine were prettied up and modeled after their respective (attractive) actors when their movies did well. But faces are doughy, stretchy things that live in motion, and sometimes they are distorted in fear and rage.

Anyways, I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend enjoying my copy of ECHO which just arrived in the mail. It's TERRY MOORE'S current project, and not only a great book, but one full of bitchin facial expressions.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm Dating a Cyborg - PUSH

I post new pages here pretty randomly... but I'm aiming to fix that! Here's IDAC from last week!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm Dating a Cyborg is still going

Even though I took that break after spraining my body, the comic is still going. Limping along, but going :D